Thursday, April 21, 2011

let the journey begin

my mom called and told me that Vickie passed away. she is the second of Granny's children to die before her. Granny worried so much about her. I told my mom that I was shocked she had lived that long. everyone was getting together a few days earlier and decided to invite Vickie so Andy went to her house. He knocked on the door and she didn't answer. He peaked in and could see her lying nude in the recliner and called 911. Mary's coworkers bought her a plane ticket and she is arriving today. Vickie's body will be cremated. She could have died from cirrhosis. Mary is leaving Saturday morning and the supposed gathering for Vickie/Easter was going to be Sunday before we got a hold of her. Hopefully we can acomodate her. we should not wait til funerals to visit eachother.
Of course, death is a doorway, it changes little. When we are not centered and connected to our inner selves and inner light then we are sucked dry by the gravity of this plane. Rather there is an ascension within us that awakens our true creator self with love first and foremost. just be love. it is not about the dual giving and receiving anymore, it is reflection and cocreation.

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