Friday, August 2, 2013


Jumah Mubarak! Jenn came back.Power is in the word. and might is in the deed. There are worlds I came here to co create.use cash said start with capricorn.the trick is don't let anyone get your goat. i guess i have to let go and let it go.  I remember listening more to within., not the troll under the bridge.and how much better it was.   Mona said to read what I write to figure out the real message use the right tools. ideas acted mercury direct.
pacamama my mom asked for her books on chakras so its time to review them and activate. now is lughnasa, harvest, leo, maben, days shorten. ask for what you deserve and believe it is coming. black mountain yoga is opening a new studio. cinnamon teaches a class there. willow opened one also. nadia called from indonesia and i talked to Papa for a minute. don't reinvent the wheel. don't burn out on expectations. have a dream that is built to last. the foolish hope of a moonchild. blackmoon lilith from tiamat. created the hidden world to be known

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